FPAAC member agencies participated in an Awareness Level Training on February 15th at the Cowlitz County Event Center. Don Doyle, FPAAC Training Coordinator, and Dave Wyman, FPAAC Logistics Specialist, worked together to provide this robust and engaging classroom-based training to over forty firefighters, company and command officers from eight FPAAC and two non-FPAAC member agencies.
The Awareness Level Training, which all FPAAC agency personnel should hold, provides a solid foundation for participants to operate safely and efficiently in support roles without directly engaging in shipboard fire operations. This training is provided by way of a standard PowerPoint presentation, followed by the FPAAC produced Ship Tour Video and an activity designed to familiarize participants with how to understand vessel fire control plans.

Anyone interested in learning about the FPAAC training program should contact Mason Sullivan, sullivan@pdxmex.com