FPAAC hosted a day-long Operations Level Training at the Cowlitz County Event Center and Port of Longview on April 18th. This training is comprised of a classroom-based session in the morning and was led by Training Coordinator Don Doyle with assistance from veteran FPAAC Technicians, Casey Holmes – Vancouver Fire and Gabe Wiggins – Clatskanie Fire.
Operations Level Training is the second step in our tiered training program designed to increase shipboard firefighting knowledge inside FPAAC member agencies. Personnel are trained for basic shipboard interior operations, which allows them to perform safely and efficiently in a tactical role at a vessel incident, recognize and report hazards through the chain of command, and take appropriate actions when those hazards become life threatening.

Our seasoned instructor cadre detailed the sizes and many complexities of various vessel types and operations before attendees were given the opportunity to participate in a vessel fire control plan (FCP) scavenger hunt group exercise.

Following lunch, the group of over forty total participants were divided in half and made their way to the Port of Longview. Group one, led by Don Doyle and Casey Holmes, were heartily welcomed aboard the M/V AFRICAN LOGRUNNER at Berth 7. Group two, led by Dave Wyman and Mason Sullivan, were greeted by the M/V DARYA RAPTI at Berth 2. Attendees aboard each ship were given a vessel familiarization tour by the crews, allowing FPAAC personnel the ability to navigate within some of the deepest compartments in the impressive structures.
We wish to extend a sincere thank you to the crews of the AFRICAN LOGRUNNER and DARYA RAPTI for allowing us aboard their homes at sea, as well as the Port of Longview’s Marine Terminal Manager, Larry Landgraver, for his support and ability to make this invaluable opportunity come to fruition.

Anyone interested in learning about the FPAAC training program should contact Mason Sullivan, sullivan@pdxmex.com